Important Reminders When Moving
Moving can be one of the most stressful things a person can do. Through choosing a location, finding a home, selling your home, and picking a moving company; there are many high-stress details when planning a move. Because of this, here are four helpful tips that will help de-stress the moving process.
Pack Out-of-Season Clothes First
Packing can be overwhelming and stressful, and it can lead many people lost as to where to even start. Although we recommend leaving packing to the professionals and allowing Siracusa to safely pack up all your belongings; when doing it by yourself it is recommended to start with out-of-season clothes first. Meaning if it is the middle of July, pack up those thick winter coats and snow boots first. You’ll never miss them and it is a great way to begin packing without disrupting your families day-to-day life.
Suitcase of Essentials
The last thing anyone wants to do at the end of a stressful move in day is search boxes for pjs, work clothes, and hygiene products. Make your life simpler by packing a suitcase of essentials; pack it with pjs, medicines, clothes, makeup, etc. Put any and all things that you will most definitely need both on your way to your new house, and while you are at your new house. Pack these suitcases in your personal vehicle to ensure you will have easy access to them whenever you need them.
Open First Box
Additionally, consider creating an “open first box”. Pile in paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins, toilet paper and anything else you would want to have easy access to when moving into your new home. Adding in a box cutter, scissors, and any tools you need to assemble furniture is also beneficial to have on your first few days in your new home. Make sure this is one of the last boxes on the truck, to ensure it is one of the first boxes off. As well as add a different color tape or place these items in a clear tote to make it easily spotted in a room full of boxes.
Label, Label, Label
We can not stress enough the importance of properly labeling boxes when moving. Not only will this help you out as you do not have to question which box goes where, it will greatly help our moving team out. As they can simply look at a box and know exactly where it goes! But remember when labeling, always label on the sides of the boxes. That way when our crews have boxes stacked on top of each other, they can simply see which box goes where. Also, make sure to label the boxes according to your new home rather than your previous. If in your previous home this box was in the basement, but in the new home these items belong in the game room; make sure to write game room rather than basement. This will insure all your belongings make it to their proper spot and will eliminate confusion.
Hopefully keeping these four tips in mind can de-stress your move and make it as smooth and easy as possible!